Thursday, March 27, 2008

Life As Rural Area Teacher

Last week I was so busy doing my own responsibility and thanks God no one throw up their duty to me. and this week is going to be another busy day. Since I know, I will have no time to update my story here, so I decided to do it earlier.

Topic of the day ‘ life as a rural area teacher’.

Let me recall back what questions been asked to me during the interview to enter maktab back in year 2005. The first question they asked me is “Are you willing to be sent to rural area?” And so, I tell them yes. Disbelief with what I’ve said, they told me many told them that and they wanted me to convince them that I am willing to; I told them all my life I’ve been living in rural area (10 years out of 25 years). For that reason, I have no problem with this kind of life.

Now I am living to the fullest enjoying fresh air and fresh food (fish and Nbab1).

Am I happy? Yes, I do and No, I do not.

Yes because I wanted to be a teacher since January 2005. Back then, I hate primary English teacher. I wanted to know what are they doing that their students does not know single English word. I dare myself to major in TESL for primary school. Now I know, no one should curse any English teacher. It is a damn hardest thing to do.. Hhahahaa…..

My problem, I hate to cook, wash cloth and clean my house. I have to do it myself. My mom living more than 100 km away and I can’t be so selfish to ask her to stay with me and do all the chores for me. I wish I were selfish L


This is what i eat almost every day easy to prepare.. hhahahaaa

Next year I was thinking of moving out of here. I need more hectic lifestyle and not being so comfortable. I hope it is true that many town teacher hoping to transfer to rural area to get extra cash so that I can move to town. J Just take the money! I need my life back!

So maybe it is true what my interviewer have said. But people change. No one stick to one decision. And so do I!